This is a very important topic, not only for us Christians but for all the people, and now that we are in the end times, with the signs progressively happening as described in the scriptures. So, it was until this year 2023 that I receieved this information, sequentially, about the connection between DNA and the mark of the beast.
At the beginning of 2020, I started to detect some suspicious infection of neighbors in a hot climate city, were it will be strange to have continuous flu-like symptoms (coughing every 3 minutes) in comparison with a cold climate city. After some days, I got infected with this, then I applied natural antivirals and in few days I got well without symptoms. Then, months later I saw the media/tv propaganda about the lethality of this infection/virus, but due to my previous experience I didn’t believe it, I thought it was an exagerated description.
Then God confirmed me this false narrative, when the holy spirit bring a scene of a movie that I watched several years ago. The movie “stealth”, where a human pilot was chasing a rogue UAV/drone of his team, piloted by a quantum computer, and after they landed by emergency on an airbase, the pilot calmly walking meets a man and asked him to fix the drone, but the man replied offering the pilot an injection with a cocktail of antibodies for the little cuts he had on the face, the pilot discovered the exagerated and strange offer of the man, and refused the injection, then the airbase guy wanted to inject the pilot by force, a fight starts, and the pilot won the fight.
Some weeks later in that year, I received a video about a documentary talking about the quantom dots, nanoparticles, and nanochips, etc. With this information, I confirmed that there will be a worldwide offer about a solution involving an injection, and then God told me this is an event of Revelation (Rev 13:17) , about the strategy to deploy the mark of the beast. I shared this with some family members at that time. Months later, this event was happening in reality, news agencies promoting a covid vaccine. In this way, several people fell in the trap and got marked; in the hand( through the arm with the vax) and in the forehead(through the nose with the pcr swab).
It is enough to be in communication with the one that knows everything, even the future, that person is God.
Then, on 2021 came information on alternative media, about the contents of the vaccine(bioweapon): luciferase, parasites, and graphene. During the last quarters of that year, the mainstream news media around the world, began a propaganda of several governments prohibiting the buy/sell of flight tickets if the person don’t take the vax or swab, also some companies conditioning jobs only for vaxed people. These events confimed what the scriptures say about the spirit of commercial blackmail of the beast system (Rev. 13:18).
Everything with God has convergence, so It is important to know which is the specific cause that makes the difference between a pure blood person without this invasion of the body by the nature of the beast. The answer is simple: DNA. DNA comprises the nature of a creature, its genes, and the corrupted dna was the cause of the flood, in the time of the Noah’s ark. Because on that time, the demons were mixing their seed with human women, and mixturing dna of animals with human creating mutants or chimeras, the purpose of the devil is to disorganize all the nature of God, and the mark of the beast has the same purpose.
Now on 2023, I confirmed that the 144000 people, the remanent, that Revelation 14 talks, are the symbolic number of the pure blood people that didn’t take the mark of the beast and kept the mark of God in their bodies. The scientific information I got this year, is that every human got 144000 genes (72000 from father and 72000 from mother), this makes the double helix in the dna figure. Now, with the reports of the last year, and patents data about the contents of the mRNA injections, we know that one of the bioweapon contents is luciferase, a molecule that has luciferian dna, that has the capacity to separate specific areas of the brain, blocking the quantum communication of humans with higher dimensions (heaven).
In this way, the luciferase is separating the soul of the person from the body, and that means the death of the soul. Also, the graphene is receiving data and electric power form outside by electromagnetic waves (5G/wifi) to build online any toxin inside the body, as alternative media reports on patents have shown. Also, videos of people and animals since 2021 having this wireless neuromodulating effects support this evidence. So, the trend is that the people who got the mark of the beast are slowly and easily zombified.
So, when an original human (144000 genes/mark of God) received the luciferian dna( 72000 additional genes), they got in total 216000 genes or 600x60x6, the famous number of the antichrist described in the scriptures. This information is more in detail on the following documentary of this year: The 144000 Connection with the DNA